Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Sample 1:
in the morning i had to remove some white mold and fed them with more oatflakes
Sample 2:
in the morning i had to remove some mold and fed them with more oat flakes
For the weekend i brought my three samples to my parents house in another city. To transport the Physarum safely in a train I repurposed the tool kit suitcase. It seems like the transportation and change of surrounding has not harmed the organisms. On the contrary, the Physarum is growing faster in the dark suitcase than in a shadowy place in my room.
The Physarum covers all of the petri-dish now. It is very bright and yellow.
The Physarum is back in Weimar and this morning it grew out of the petri-dish. Time for a new environment. I prepared a cardbox with baking paper, cooked a lot of agar medium and filled the cardbox with that. I used agar from the supermarket and a cardbox is not a totally serile environment. Will the Physarum still grow?
I would love to imitate a small part of a forest, maybe inside of an aquarium where the Physarum can grow in an environment that is as natural as possible.
Interesting link:
The Physarum is growing very fast in the improvised cardboard box environment. Even faster than in the petri dishes.
i added coffee grounds and the Physarum seems to like it
the sample in the petri dishes startet to dry a bit
i added some potato peel to try out if the Physarum likes it but it has not been discovered yet
and i startet to grow a sample in the maze