Shared Habitats was the title of now three exhibitions by students of the Bauhaus University [1] as well as of a book [2] that is currently being published. In the module, we understand our living space as a habitat in which we are not alone: we share it with countless fellow humans near and far, with other living beings, machines and objects. Our well-being is built on an atmosphere that has been created over epic periods of time by the actions of these beings, which is not divisible but shared destiny.
In the module, we will look in particular at the "habits to share," the habits and strategies for action that are necessary if we are to make our civilization sustainable, thriving, and peaceful. In the module, interactions, strategies or objects for a Shared Habitat are to be created, interfaces, but also techniques, manuals, online tools - in short, everything that is necessary to agree on coordinated, collective practices within our environment. Let the world know how your vision of a Shared Habitat will look like!
The module essentially offers the opportunity to carry out individual artistic-creative projects in your own conception within the scope of Shared Habitats. You are expected to develop a self-motivated and self-organized project idea and realize it until the end of the module. The plenum initiates open dialogue about your projects and the in-between steps. The plenum offers a culture of exchange and discussion that builds on the participation of the participants.
The module will be conducted virtually as online conferences until the End of June with face to face meetings at the end of the semester in July.
- Video Invitation ("Projektbörse")
- File:Shared habitats module.pdf
- 13.04.2021: Introduction File:Shared habitats intro s.pdf
- 20.04.2021: individual consultations instead of meeting
- 27.04.2021: Presentations by students: Former works (5 min.) and prospective concept (10 min.)
- 04.05.2021: Short Presentation by Betül Peker, .N.N.
- 11.05.2021: ....
- 18.05.2021: Betül Peker: Martian Habitat,
- 25.05.2021: Krätzschmar: Human Relationship with Objects,
- 01.06.2021: Isabella Lee Arturo: Communication, Language, Kolonialisation
- 08.06.2021: Zhixuan Zhou: Pychology, art and dreams
- 15.06.2021: Bo Liu: Immersive Artwork/Dance, Thanh: Connect to the nature
- 22.06.2021: Roy: Animal Interaction, Ulrike Katzschmann: Spaziergangsforschung
- 29.06.2021: Hannah Kettel: Gardens, Yasemin Yagci: Game Modding and Play Aesthetics
- 06.07.2021: F.Z. Ayguler - Living and working with other species. Companion species: people, animals, and significant others
- ...
Books and literature:
Please look at the Semesterapparatus in Moodle! There are about 20 books available.
- Lynn MargulisThe Symbiotic Planet ISBN 978-0465072729
- Jan Bennett: Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things ISBN 978-0822346333
- Anna Tsing: Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene ISBN 978-1517902360
- Kathrin Meyer: Was ist Natur ISBN 978-3938539620
- Tom Trevor: Lois Weinberger - Three Ecologies
- Critical Zones Fieldbook
- Antennae Issue 17 Summer 2011
- Antennae Issue 18 Autumn 2011
- Antennae Issue 53 Vegetal Entanglements
- Antennae Issue 52 Vegetal Enanglements
- Antennae Issue 50 Remaking Nature
- Antennae Issue Experiment
- Sacha Jerome Kagan: The practice of ecological art
- put your name and create a site
- Bo Liu
- Ulrike Katzschmann
- Thanh Huyen Hoang
- Xinyue Yu
- Isabella Lee Arturo
- Yasemin Yagci
- Zhixuan Zhou
- Ruo-Jin Yen
- Betül Peker
- Tan
- Hannah Kettel
- F.Z.Ayguler