GMU:Keeping Track

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Revision as of 18:57, 21 July 2010 by Max (talk | contribs)

Capturing Position and Motion

Lehrperson(en): Max Neupert, with Workshops by Frieder Weiß and Robert Wechsler
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Thursday, 13:30 to 16:45
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 204
First meeting: ??.??.2010


Keeping Track – Capturing Position and Motion is a class designed to shine light of different tracking methods and their uses in artworks, exhibition and entertainment. GPS, RFID and camera tracking can harness movement and create positioning data which then can be mapped and visualized or sonified. The tracking information can serve as interface, instrument or controller. We will learn and understand the basic principles of motion detection and capturing and work with more complex systems. We will rig a suitable room with a professional motion tracking system allowing us to explore its capabilities and limitations.

German description


  • GPS tracking
  • RFID tracking
  • camera motion detection and capturing
  • Tracking on the stage (dance, ballet, opera and performance)
  • Tracking in musical instruments
  • Tracking in contemporary art
  • Tracking in entertainment, and exhibition design

Admission requirements


Registration procedure

Bewerbung mit folgenden Angaben per E-Mail an: max.neupert (at)

  • Name
  • Fachrichtung und Fachsemester
  • Matrikelnummer
  • Angabe der geltenden Prüfungsordnung
  • Gültige E-Mail-Adresse ( zur Bestätigung der Anmeldung)

Sollte es mehr als 25 Bewerber geben, entscheidet die Reihenfolge der Anmeldungen über die Aufnahme in den Kurs


Presence, presentation, künstlerische Prüfung, Dokumentation, Eintrag im Wiki. No credits can be given if more than three classes have been missed.

Eligible participants

Enrolled students of the graduate (master)-programs in the faculties Medien, Gestaltung and the MediaArchitecture program


Termine des Semesters


  • Link zum Semesterapparat
