Max and I, Max and Me class notebook

From Medien Wiki

process: other peoples work to investigate

project: theremin

Assignment: Please do your own first patch and upload onto the wiki under your name

I did build a simple Theremin to get to know the workflow with Max. Move your mouse cursor around to control the pitch and volume.



Objects used:

project: screamie

If you scream loud enough ... you will get a selfie.


This little art is a first shot. Also: snarky comment on social media and selfie-culture.  


Objects used:

  • levelmeter~ - to display the audio signal level
  • peakamp~ - find peak in signal amplitude (of the last second)
  • past - send a bang when a number is larger then a given value
  • jit.grab - to get image from camera
  • jit.matrix - to buffer the image and write to disk

process: record and save audio and video data

This patch demonstrates how to get audio/video data and how to write it to disk.  


Objects used:

  • ezadc~ - to get audio input
  • meter~ - to display (audio) signal levels
  • metro - to get a steady pulse of bangs
  • counter - to count bangs/toggles
  • select - to detect certain values in number stream
  • delay - to delay a bang (to get DSP processing a head start)
  • jit.grab - to get images from camera
  • jit.vcr - to write audio and video data to disk

process: retrieve images from a camera

This simple patch allows you to grab (still) images from the camera.


Objects used: