GMU:Sustainable Aesthetics/Alaina Sophie Nugnis

From Medien Wiki

Sustainable Aesthetics

The term sustainable aesthetics consists of the word sustainable/ sustainability and aesthetics. For me this doesn’t mean greenwashed products and certificates. Sustainable aesthetics rather mean for me a symbiosis of something that already exists and new ideas that follow the already existing. The idea should spin around the given material, it should follow the form, material, color - the aesthetics of the used item. You need to deal and take a close look into items, materials and ideas.


The project is about the correlation between light as an energy source and how it affects the human energy level and therefore their feelings. For this Vivi and I will provide two journals in which we record our own feelings according to the weather and our energy level such as diary entries from the people we are surrounded by. To give the project a more research and valid data based frame, we will collect scientific papers which will later be displayed in a book or printed form as well. Finally we will and already have collected photographs of people gathering in the sun and possibly also pictures of outdoor places when there is no sunlight.



File:Diary entry 2