GMU:Einführung ins Programmieren mit Processing/final

From Medien Wiki

Final work: timebased patterns

Over the last 2 weeks you had a closer look into pattern observations. Those ones should be an inspiration for a programmed sketch. Start from your observations and your verbalized descriptions. Think about a pattern you want to create. This pattern can be based on input data (like an image or a text) or can be created from complex shapes. Transfer this pattern into a timebased pattern - an animation. Think about different behaviors of your elements. Use one function or several ones to build up your program. Write a text about what do you want to achieve.

Andreas: Pattern

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Adriana: Folding Pattern

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Alexander: Metaballs

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Andreas: Pattern

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Dianna: Elastic Lace

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Florian: Sinus Wave

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Ivo: Diamond

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Jelena: Text as object and meta drawing

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Jin: Lively Dots

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Johannes: Photo as pattern

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Julia: Groving Ivy

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Moritz: Line Bender

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Patawat: Crimewave

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Sebastian: Circles

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Tristan: Soundvirus

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