IFD:PhysicalComp2011/Hui Yuan

From Medien Wiki

The Moment


For the important day in the memory of life, wedding day probably is the most. It would be interesting to explore the different weddings in west and china in a commen space. People will find the difference in the attitude of wedding, the way of wedding and the traditionl things.

I have made two analyses of chinese and west wedding, about the time and flow:




The videos will be recorded from the different time zone cities(origin idea). The vodios are supposed to about 2 hours to 24 hours.In the installation, the videos will be played automatic on the wall by projector.

Below is the example video from Thomas Grill, he did the shooting on August for the Pure Data Convention in Weimar. This video will be only for the test of the installation.

<videoflash type="vimeo">27718339|450|280</videoflash>


I'd like to do some clocks that could control the clips which have happened. And is related to two different videos and interactive between users.

I propose to use some very normal clocks. Install the sensor inside the clock and connect to arduino. When people touch and move clock pointer, the video will be stoped and moved to the the same time as showed on the clock. The clocks will be displayed just like in the receiption of hotel, hang on the wall parallel with the city name.


Arduino (sample)


Proccessing (figure moved by mouseX)

void setup() {

 size(1000, 700);


void draw() {

 fill(174, 221, 60);
 ellipse(100, 580, 100, 100);
 ellipse(145, 580, 2, 2);
 ellipse(55, 580, 2, 2);
 ellipse(100, 535, 2, 2);
 ellipse(100, 625, 2, 2);
 ellipse(100, 580, 5, 5);
 float hourAngle = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 360);
 translate(100, 580);
 rotate(radians(hourAngle*12) - radians(90));
 line(0, 0, 40, 0);
 float speed = dist(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
 float diameter = speed * 2.0;
 fill(204, 221, 80);
 ellipse(50, 50, diameter/2, diameter/2);
 translate(100, 580);
 rotate(radians(hourAngle) - radians(90));
 line(0, 0, 20, 0);
