IFD:IOSDevII 2011/Patawat Phamuad

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Relieve Climate Synopsis


At the present day, people rely on personal comfort than responding to environment issue. As a result, using private vehicles:- cars, motorcycle not only making more air pollution than taking a train or railway system but also consuming more energy and fuel respectively. Furthermore, traffic jam problem in a metropolis is accordingly caused by high increase rate of personal vehicles. Beside, main emission from vehicles' engine fuel ignition are Carbon Dioxide gas which able to severely damage human respiratory system. Last but not least, exhaust gases aka. Green House gases:- Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide are the majority cause of climate change and global warming.

See how is nowadays Global Warming situation via the video below:

<videoflash type=vimeo>32591989|518|245</videoflash>

An Inconvenient Truth: Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr.
video credit: http://vimeo.com/buck

Project Objective

Mobility Management measures is a Pull, a new concept in a developed country is expected to effectively manage the growing amount of private car. The main idea is to give knowledge or publicity information related to travel through the cooperation between various departments. Along with the use of tools or measures to support or encourage motorists to change their attitudes and behavior on the trip (Voluntary Behavior Change).


Thus, to support the Mobility Management measure, Relieve Climate is the application for iOS devices:- iPad, iPhone, iPod touch which impulse smart phone users to get involve to public transportation focusing on a train or real-way usage. The application continuously keeps tracking user's public transportation trip in a data form, then, visualize the data to become tangible graphic on the device. Furthermore, the application allows users to earn sponsored prizes from public transportation provider by sending the data to server and compete with other users to win a big prize!.

Demonstration Phase and Target Audience

  • For the alpha (prototype phase), the application focuses integrating in public sky train in Bangkok , Thailand namely BTS(Bankok Mass Transit System) Sky Train.
  • The application focuses on iOS smart device holders, soon, on Android OS and etc.
  • The target application users mainly are people who rarely take BTS Sky Train. However, daily or repetitive passengers are also in target group.

Why iOS device at prototype phase ?

here is the interesting stat which make a decision to launch alpha version in iOS devices instead of other smart phone operation system.

Ios sales q1 2012.png

With the release of its quarterly earnings earlier today, Apple revealed that it had sold 37.04M iPhones in fiscal Q1 of 2012. Those numbers are massive, far bigger than any other manufacturer and beyond industry estimates.

Following the announcement, there was an interesting statistic shared on Twitter by designer and author of Mobile First, Luke Wroblewski:

"There are more iPhones sold per day (402k) than people born in the World per day (300k). twitter.com/#!/asymco/stat…"

The 37.04M iPhone figure divided out over the period of 98 days in the quarter gives us a slightly lower number at 377.9K sold every day, but it’s still higher than the world’s average birth rate which clocks in at 371K per day.

In conclusion, the more users own iOS devices, the more potential distribution could be. referred: http://thenextweb.com/

Relieve Climate Features and USPs

  • Real-time Portable Data Tracker: Relieve Climate is the application which installed in mobile device and able to immediately synthesize the visualization once finishing tracking the data. To view user own data, no need to connect to personal computer or laptop.
  • Ease to use: According to Human Interface Guide (HIG) which is a document that Apple distributes for guidance in developing iPhone Apps for sale on the App Store. Relieve Climate perfectly follow rules and restrictions in HIG, as a result, the application is easy to use and no instruction is required.
  • QR-Code Reader embedded: Relieve Climate uses Zxing(pronounced zebra crossing) QR-Code scanner library which provides powerful scanner function via mobile camera. Quick and easy scanning are applicable perfectly to application.
  • GPS and Mapkit embedded: To view current position while checking-in, Mapkit used for previewing a position on openStreetMap (opensource map tool). Furthermore, GPS device can also inform exact position of user.
  • Brain Improve Feature: The application provides brain improvement while user is using application. For example, while users is activating journey, they are able to read hints of idea which provide a little knowledge according to general subject in our life such as health, sciences, history, life style and etc.

Relieve Climate Screen Mock-ups

Project Conclusion Presentation

Project References

Project Inquiries:

The German railway company Deutsche Bahn has released a beautiful educational video that explains the benefits of an environmentally conscious behaviour. In particular, the video suggests that travelling by train produces less CO2 than travelling by car or by plane.

<videoflash type=vimeo>30990475|437|236</videoflash> link to video source: here

Zxing for iOS, qr code decoder library. <videoflash>H8WjmDBHgw4</videoflash>

Referred document resources::

Bangkok Transit System (BTS) Fact sheets

Emissions of carbon dioxide per capital

Automotive Statistics

Zxing (Zebra-Crossing) site reference