GMU:Istanbul/Guess who

From Medien Wiki

Guess who

In my project I would like to portray and interview young women who are in various stages and periods of "Inbetween".

Especially young women are often inbetween, not yet arrived or on the Threshold. I´m feeling often inbetween.

Young Artists and students, in countries and environments that are in many ways in Transition. Being between places, between people, between Developmental steps and stages of life, between dreams.

Personally, you can be at the threshold between the university and working life, a young girl to woman, from the Dependence to independence there are between art and commerce, but also countries at the threshold and in between: between political systems, different cultures, Break tradition and revolution.

I would like to explore differences or perhaps no differences to Germany and my own life, to meet new people and to find out, what way they´ve chosen.

I can speak english and some french, but no turkish. I´m looking foward to meet some helpful people, who may help to translate or who know some young women, to whom they introduce me.