The idea is to transmit wind from San Diego to Weimar and vice versa. The wind would be analyzed at one side via anemometers (wind sensors) and reproduced at the other side via computer fans. We want to trasnmit not only the speed, but also the direction of the wind (e.g. due "octophonic" positioning of the fans). Sound aspects of the fans/wind should also be considered.
Possibilities of collaboration
- transmitting wind data
- developing a collective installation
Team Weimar:
Team San Diego:
Questions and Research
- wind stream
- wind transfer
- wind tunnel
central idea
- concept / philosophy
- which sense
- sound
- visual
- haptic / skin
- transparency of used material
- one way / two way communication : Weimar <-> San Diego
reference works
- art dealing with wind / weather
- dealing with fans / ventilators
- sound bridges etc.
- translating sound in different media
- how has wind been sonificated?
scientific research
- what is wind, how it works
- what is the sound of wind, what could it be
- how does wind feel
- meteorology
- philosophy of wind
technical aspects / material
- ventilators/fans
- type (computer fans etc.)
- sound
- parameters
- control
- costs
- power / wind speed / air pressure
- wind sensors (anemometers)
- several or one directional?
- weather station? (temperature, humidity, rain, etc.)
- parameters
- software & hardware
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Processing
- PureData / Max
- Wview
- data transmission
- control data (OSC)
- …
- setup
- arrangement of the different parts
- how to deal with space
- the context (other installations etc.)
- additional material for visualisation (dust, cloth etc.)
- permant or singular installation?