Page of Constantin Oestreich
Twitter: @ConstOest
Animated Robot
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Robot Code
""" My Animated Robot """ #Variablen widthBox = 400 heightBox = widthBox centerx = widthBox / 2 centery = heightBox / 2 koerper = widthBox / 3 kopf = koerper / 1.5 auge = kopf / 6 blauKopf = 0 gruenKopf = 90 rotKopf = 100 #Ausgabe def setup(): size (widthBox,heightBox) colorMode (RGB, 100) def draw(): #Moving per Frame frameRate (25) angle = PI/8 * sin(frameCount * 0.1) #Growing Up global auge if auge<30: auge=auge+2 else: auge=10 global kopf if kopf<140: kopf=kopf+2 else: kopf = koerper / 1.5 global blauKopf global gruenKopf global rotKopf if kopf>koerper / 1.5 and kopf<130: blauKopf = blauKopf + 5 gruenKopf = gruenKopf -2 rotKopf = rotKopf -2 elif kopf > 130 and kopf < 140: blauKopf = 0 gruenKopf = 0 rotKopf = 100 else: blauKopf=0 gruenKopf = 90 rotKopf = 100 #Variablen BG R = random(30,60) G = random(50,80) B = random(70,90) #Variablen Fill RF = random(20,50) GF = random(0,30) BF = random(10,40) #define background(R,G,B) rectMode(CENTER) fill (RF,GF,BF) stroke (90) strokeWeight(5) #---Körper--- rect (centerx, centery, koerper, koerper) #---Kopf--- pushStyle() fill (rotKopf, gruenKopf, blauKopf) ellipse (centerx, centery-koerper+(kopf*0.25), kopf, kopf) popStyle() # Variablen Auge AugeX1 = centerx - 17 AugeY1 = centerx - koerper*0.875 AugeX2 = centerx + 17 AugeY2 = centerx - koerper*0.875 #---Auge01--- drawAuge(AugeX1, AugeY1, 1) #---Auge02--- drawAuge(AugeX2, AugeY2, -1) # Arm positions posLx = centerx - koerper / 2 posLy = centery - koerper / 2 posRx = centerx + koerper / 2 posRy = centery - koerper / 2 # Bein positions posBLx = centerx - koerper / 2 posBLy = centery + koerper / 2 posBRx = centerx + koerper / 2 posBRy = centery + koerper / 2 #---Left Arm--- drawArm(posLx-30, posLy-15, 1, angle) #---Right Arm--- drawArm(posRx+30, posRy-15, -1, angle) #---Bein Links--- drawBein(posBLx, posBLy) #---Bein Rechts--- drawBein(posBRx-40, posBRy) #Eigene Funktionen def drawAuge (xpos, ypos, direction): pushMatrix() pushStyle() fill (80,80,100) stroke (40) strokeWeight(2) translate (xpos, ypos) scale(direction,1) ellipse (0,0,auge,auge) popStyle() popMatrix() def drawArm (xpos, ypos, direction, angle): pushMatrix() translate(xpos,ypos) scale(direction,1) rotate(angle) rectMode(CORNER) rect(0,0,30,130) popMatrix() def drawBein (xpos, ypos): pushMatrix() pushStyle() fill(10,10,40) translate(xpos,ypos) rectMode(CORNER) rect(0,0,40,90) popMatrix() popStyle() saveFrame("robot_const_###.png")
""" """ ###Import### #Import Modules for Project from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter, ImageColor import tweepy import time import random import requests from io import BytesIO #Import aus Dateien from twitterkeys import * from textposts import text from imagefuncs import blur, emboss, edges, invert, transpose ############## ###Programm### ############## ###Twitter connect### #TwitterPassVariable for Test without posting on Twitter #True = Post on Twitter / False = just open Image and show text local check = False #Define TwitterKeys to variables auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) = True auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) #Find Images and URL in Account on Twitter timeline = api.user_timeline(screen_name = "C64_Bot") for tweet in timeline: for media in tweet.entities.get("media",[{}]): if media.get("type",None) == "photo": url = media["media_url"] ###Load Image from URL### #"" response = requests.get(url) image = #Test Bild laden #image ="test.png") #Liste der verschiedenen Funktionen erstellen functions_list = [blur, emboss, edges, invert, transpose] #Mainfunction if __name__ == "__main__": #Random eine Funktion aufrufen imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list) #Random Funktion anwenden image = imagefunc(image) #2.Runde Random Filter anwenden #Random eine Funktion aufrufen imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list) #Random Funktion anwenden image = imagefunc(image) if check == True: filename = "final.png" api.update_with_media(filename,text) else: print(text)
""" """ from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter, ImageColor, ImageEnhance #verschiedene Bildbearbeitungfunktionen #Bild blur def blur (image): return image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) def emboss (image): return image.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS) def edges (image): return image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) def transpose(image): return image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) def invert(image): return image.point(lambda x: 255-x)
""" """ #Import Modules for Project import random #Verschiedene Texte die gepostet werden können a="Yeah, a new Image is Ready" b="I'am an artist.What you think about?" c="Uh, which great Effekt" d="Nice" e="Thats what I do" f="Mhmmm, what you mean? Is this art?" g="Yes I post" h="I should do an exhibition whith this works." i="Tell me what you think about." j="This is my job! Post Pictures..." k="Funky..." #Liste mit allen Textinhalten erstellen text_list = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k] #Zufällige auswahl eines Inhalts text = random.choice(text_list)