GMU:Tutorials/Visual Interaction/Using Processing to play video

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If you want to play or reverse a video with different speed, it's easily to be realized in Processing.
This includes the creation of 3D knot animation in 3DS MAS and the control of video in Processing.
Follow this Step by Step tutorial for using PROCESSING to play the 3D animation VIDEO!

Tips Before Beginning

3DS MAX just be used as the example to create 3d animation in this tutorial, blender, maya or other 3d softwares can also be used. Just to pay attention to the following questions:

  • If the video will be showed on the video wall, the resolution of the rendered pictures need to be high enough: no lower than 1920*1080 px
  • Because the changing of the play speed, the 3d animation video need a high frame rate to play the video fluently even with low speed
  • For a short animation, the shape animation of the model need to be obvious

frame sequence

Create A 3D Knot Animation Video

Play The Video By Processing

STEP 01 –