29/11/2017----Reference to movie "Life"
Experimenting with one cellular organism, slime mold, physarum polycefalum
Similarity to human brain
to grow slime mold on different glasses in order to achieve 3d model
Maybe is better to start with simulation in order make needed paterns
Next stage would be with living organism: at the point when it is grown, to dry it
15/12/2017---experiment one: start with waking up the slime molds
To have better samples to build the art installation, try to wake up old slime molds samples by growing them in the medium.
four samples:
A-normal medium(pure agar, salt, yeast, water..)+8-10 pieces of cereals
B-normal medium
C&D-normal medium+wet and old filter paper
samples are kept in dark lockers in 20 degrees
20/12/2017---experiment two: waking up new slime molds samples from Sinan
samples from the last experiment failed.
Sample A was seriously contaminated. Nothing happened in sample B, C, &D
reason could be too much cereals or others
repeat the experiment with 3 more samples:
all in same condition: medium(Compound agar, water...)+1 piece of cereal
samples are kept in dark lockers in 24-26 degrees