Step 1. Extracting DNA from blood and from pork liver meat
Step 2. STR-analysis with pork meat primer
Step 3. Electrophoresis
- First attempt
=> I got no results : either the ladder nor the DNA samples were "growing" as they should (multiple lines). So I decided to test the ladder only to see if there is a problem from the samples themselves or with the preparation (agarose + buffer TAE 50x+ distilled water) => #Second attempt
- Second attempt
=> Same problem : the ladder was growing as one bloc only (see the little drawing) + we noticed that the positive side was turning in blue color and some part of the agarose gel was melting down. So we decided to test if this bleu color is coming from oxidation of the electrodes themselves, or if the ladder was "swimming" on the extra amount of solution (buffer TAE 50x + distilled water) above the agarose to reach the positive side => #Third attempt
- Third attempt