GMU:Nature in Code

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Lecturer: Max Neupert
Credits/SWS: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Maximum Number of Participants: 18
Course Language: English
Venue: Online only

Description (EN)

This is a course for learning to code in Processing aimed at artists with beginner to intermediate coding skills. We will be loosely following Daniel Shiffman's book The Nature of Code.

In programming we can create systems with behaviours mimicking laws of physics like gravitation. This can drastically increase a sense of reality, liveliness and playfulness. The users interaction benefits from physically informed interactions with richer gestures, intuitive control resulting in a better engagement with the artwork or product. This class will introduce programming concepts in a playful and interactive way using the popular programming environment Processing.

Description (DE)

Kurs für Künstler und Gestalter mit Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittenen Programmierkenntnissen in Processing. Der Kurs folgt grob den Inhalten aus dem Buch The Nature of Code von Daniel Shiffman.


Admission requirements / Voraussetzung zur Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung


Evaluation / Geforderte Prüfungsleistung zur Erlangung eines Leistungsnachweises

Presentation, documentation.

Eligible participants / Zielgruppe

Students enrolled in the Faculties of Art & Design and in the MediaArchitecture program


Semesters Plan


  • Daniel Shiffman: The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing ISBN 978-0985930806
