The light sensors(Photoresistor) send frequency data of light projected
through the projector In space to Arduino - Max.
This data is converted to play a random combination of five soundtracks.
The flow of music continues to change because the soundtrack layers are played differently
according to the frequency of light.
Light illumination may not be dynamic outdoors in winter, so an environment where light can be used indoors as an alternative, but it would be also possible to use natural light.
This is a basic attempt to make the environment compose music, and ideas can be further embodied in the future.
A. Breadboard with Sensor
01. Prepared five photoresisters (light sensors).
02. Measuring the lowest/maximum resistance value with a multimeter.
R2= √R1(max)xR1(Min)
03. Connect the appropriate register to the board.
B. Arduino
C. Max/Msp