Documenation of the main Workshop 04.11.22
Plan for today (04.11) and tomorrow (05.11): -> cultivate first organism (mushroom) -> lab safety (how to work safely in the lab) -> getting to know the lab equipment -> Redesign the lab experience for our own home (How to make our own Diy-Biolab) -> lab ethics and values
Materials and manual for growing first organisms: (Bilder einfügen)
Different organisms need different things to grow
examples: -> Algae can photosynthesize; they need light and salt -> slime mold (unicellar organisms that expand in search of food; they're neither fungi nor mushrooms) -> bacteria
- We had a break from 11:45 am to 01:30 pm -
Building a Diy-Lab at home
Resources : Equipment: local shopping -> hardware store (tables with a glass or ceramic top) -> bricolage market -> artists shop -> pharmacies
online shopping -> amazon; new equipment -> Ebay; used equipment -> Aliexpress; quick and cheap
consumables (cottonswabs/gloves etc.) -> amazon; for small fast delivery -> aliexpress; for cheap batch delivery -> alibaba -> specialised onlineshops; more or less specialised producers and retailers
chemicals -> Buying at local stores (check cross-application; check purity grade according to use) -> online shopping (check if law allows private purchase) -> maybe extract your chemicals from mixtures (know what you are doing and with whom)
Growing our own mushrooms
For the Mycofabrication session we used Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum)
what do we need?
1. Mushroom/spores where can you find it:
online shops -> Pilzmä -> MycoGenetics the forest: -> on the ground -> on dead logs or living trees
2. Substrates (mushroom food):
buy at local stores or online -> Bricolage market (saw dust) -> Pet shop -> Carpenter
3. Knowledge
Chosen Organism: Euglena
- grow Euglena
- care for Euglena
- work out a creative Projekt using Euglena