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Tired Machines Orchestra

experience? outcome overall

Recycled Object

The first step consisted of going to an electronic recycling center. We rummaged and looked through what appeared to be unused, disposed objects considered trash. The object of choice was a hair dryer, with its own cap to distribute air.

What needed to be done next was checking if the electronic components worked, by dissecting the hair dryer.

After lots of trying and in the end, using force to pry it open, we discover its components —a fan, a simple DC motor, and a heating system that surrounded everything. We didn't need any heat so we discarded the latter.

Fan 1.jpg

Fan 2.jpg

Tinkering and Construction

The building process of the instrument was achieved by trying and tinkering, without any clear vision of what the result could be.

The construction part consisted on soldering and securing cables, motor, and fan inside its case.

Then came the tinkering and programming part.

Attached to the board were: a stepper (to change polarity), a (?), and the microcontroller of course. The stepper would change the direction of the fan and the (?) would control the current that went into the motor, changing the frequency at which it moved.

Final Instrument


