Credits: 2 SWS
Venue: DIY Biolab @ Marienstraße 7b, Room 204/202
Lecturer(s): Alessandro Volpato
In this course you will learn how to cultivate different microorganisms that are used to produce bioart.
Bioart is a discipline in which artists use living matter to pursue artistic research.
During the course we will work with Physarim polycaphalum (slime mold), Daphnia pulex (water flea), Tardigrades (water bears), Euglenas and the cultivation of algae in general and design fungal composite materials with Fomes fomentarius (tinder mushroom).
Students will learn about what has been done in the bioart scene.
Additionally, students will have access to the lab and allowed to pursue own bioart projects.
NOTE: Attending the BioLab Driver's Licence is mandatory to attend this course
29th Apr, 13.30 - 16:45
6th Mai, , 13.30 - 15:00
13th Mai, 13.30 - 18:00
27th Mai, 13.30 - 16:45
10th June, 13.30 - 15:00
17th June, 13.30 - 16:45
Physarum Policephalum (slime mold)
>put docu of how to grow it and explanation of the organism