IFD:Designing For Action/Project Presenation Template

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< IFD:Designing For Action
Revision as of 10:03, 11 February 2011 by JanD (talk | contribs) (new template for project presenations)
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Which problem did you identify?

Why is this problem important?

Why are current systems unable to solve this problem?

What research findings led you to your first concept?

In 140 characters, what is the essence of your project/solution?

(If you really need more space, describe how you would present your concept to your mother while you ride an elevator to the top of the Fernsehturm in Berlin. although this is the tallest free-standing building in Europe, it also has Europe’s fastest elevator. You’ve got 40 seconds to make your case)


How did you ensure that a beginner can use your solution?

What makes your solution more useful or efficient than current products?

Compared to current approaches, did you get rid of any functionality or add new functions? Why?

(Sketches and/or Video)

User tests

How did you test your design?

What new problems did you identify?

What did you change following your user tests?