
From Medien Wiki

„...[es] sind die Bemühungen dessen, der, überflogen von Sternen, die Menschenwerk sind, .. , zeltlos in diesem bisher ungeahnten Sinne und damit auf das unheimlichste im Freien, mit seinem Dasein zur Sprache geht, wirklichkeitswund und Wirklichkeit suchend“ Paul Celan

Featured Projects

Synbio plug and pray
Super Cell is a fictional supermarket website offering speculative products related to Synthetic Biology and our project for iGEM 2010. Super Cell “When you put your hands together like as if you are praying, the contacts of the gloves close and activate an algorithm that is interlinked to the image search of google. Then, the computer takes itself on a search for God with the help of the internet. The results become "spiritualized" through a videosynthesizer and are projected on the wall.” Jörg Brinkmann: plug and pray

Check out our archives with student works and thesis works of BFA and MFA graduates.

Teaching Staff

Prof. Ursula Damm
Marienstraße 5, Raum 304
99423 Weimar
Telefon:. +49 3643 / 58-3607
E-Mail: ursula.damm [at]

Dipl-Künstler Max Neupert
Marienstraße 5, Raum 208
99423 Weimar
Telefon: +49 3643 / 58-3872
E-Mail: max.neupert [ät]

Bernhard Hopfengärtner MA (RCA)
Marienstraße 5, Raum 208
99421 Weimar
Telefon: +49 3643 / 58-3871
E-Mail: bernhard.hopfengaertner [at]

Gunnar Green MA (RCA)
Marienstraße 5, Raum 305
99421 Weimar
Telefon: +49 3643 / 58-3873
E-Mail: [at]

other staff


<randomimage size="650" float="left" choices=" georg 360 5xLena.jpg| kurpark.jpg| Sieg.jpg| Raphael Hundeuebungsplatz.jpg| Dorf1.jpg| untitled.jpg| Ruine.jpg| Bahnhof2.jpg| marktplatz.jpg| Straßenkreuzung.jpg| chambre.jpg| lobeda.jpg| poposhop.jpg| cpkreuzung.jpg| " />
360° Fotographie. Assignment of the undergraduates in their first week.

Hilfe – Help