GMU:Keeping Track/Final project

From Medien Wiki

Henning, Frederic und Moritz



As a final task for the Keeping Track course we designed a 3D Jump 'n' Run game that can be played only by the payer's movement in front of a camera.


The Ego-Runner has to make it through a 3D-world. It is a tunnel made with squares that come closer and closer. Easy. BUT: The player is not (!) allowed to touch the small and big barriers which are spread everywhere. He/she has to jump above hurdles, step aside walls and pillars or crouch down gates and balks. The game is won, when the player has reached the end of the world without touching any cube of CUBECITY.

How it works

CUBECITY is a highly interactive and immersive Jump 'n' Run game written in Processing 1.2.1. It works with a videotracking system based on the EyeCon software. EyeCon catches the bottom/top and the left/right edge of the playing person. The data of the resulting cuboid is sent to Processing via network (OSC protocol). In Processing the edges of the cuboid define the outlines of the player's avatar. The data of the cuboid will be compared with the momentarily rendered row of squares an cubes in the 3D-world. If there is a cube and the edges of the avatar are crossing it's edges the program will be stopped and the game is over.


The look and feel of the game is based on the first console games of the early 90s. Pixeltype, 8bit soundtrack and reduced graphic- and colordesign combined with todays possibilities of interactive game control give us the ability to assume the role of the heroes of our past/childhood/youth!


Of course there is a HIGHSCORE, waiting for you to be bet. Do you have the power and bravery to jump through CUBECITY...? Time and place of the first CUBECITY Championship will be announced soon!

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