
From Medien Wiki
< PDCON:Workshops
Revision as of 08:34, 19 September 2011 by PeterV (talk | contribs)

instead of a GEM Advanced workshop, there will be a workshop on the Extended View Toolkit.
The workshop should allow more detailed information and practical insight on how to use the toolkit,
especially its projection capabilities.
The workshop will be held by Marian Weger and Peter Venus
the toolkit can be downloaded here

Kreativfonds Bauhaus-Univeristät WeimarElectronic Arts Blog für digitale SpielkulturThe Mozilla FoundationAllied Vision TechnologiesFreistaat ThüringenBauhaus-Universität WeimarHochschule für Musik Franz Liszt WeimarFraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMTStadt WeimarKlassik Stiftung WeimarNKFaculty of MediaStudio for electro-acoustic MusicKulturTragWerk e.V.Elektronisches Studio der TU BerlinMaschinenraum Hackerspace WeimarRadio Lotte WeimarSponsors and partners of the 4th internationals Pure Data Convention in Weimar 2011

4th international Pure Data Convention 2011 Weimar ~ Berlin