PDCON:Concerts/Hsin-jen Wang

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Revision as of 23:07, 15 August 2011 by Max (talk | contribs)

Moving Resonance

Artist: Hsin-jen Wang

There are three parts of the performance. In the first part, cubes that are drawn in GEM split and group by themselves. Different sounds are created corresponding to the volume of rectangles. While multiple objects split and move around, interesting resonance is created. In the second part, beats and rhythms are made according to the moving paths of the cubes, creating a creatures-like resonance. In the third part, the cubes divide and re-form automatically, creating different sounds.

<flashmp3 id="Hsin-jen Wang-Moving Resonance">Hsin-jen Wang-Moving Resonance.mp3</flashmp3>

<videoflash type=youtube>m0mNHzvwGzI?hd=1</videoflash>

Tuesday 09. Aug. 2011
20.00- 22.00
Coudraystraße SeaM Werkstattstudio