
From Medien Wiki

Saturday 16. Juni

9:30 Excursion by public transport

Tanzimat reforms: mahalle system and modernisation in the ottoman empire. Example quarter: Koca Mustafa Pasa (by train from Sirkeci).

Meeting point: lower entrance to Tünel Füniküler

After noon: sight-seeing on your own in the historic peninsula and the Hagia Sofia.

16:00 Meeting with Marmara students

We will meet Kerem and Yağız in Taksim in front of Galatasaray High school.

Galatasaray Mekteb-i Sultani
Tomtom Mh.
İstiklal Caddesi 159, 34430 Istanbul
0212 244 2226

Sunday 17. Juni

9:30 Excursion by public transport / Taksim and proximity

  • Taksimplatz als geplantes Zentrum der Moderne generelle Einführung im Taksimpark anhand von Kartenmaterial. Entstehung und heutige Rolle des Taksimplatzes und der anliegenden Viertel Talimhane, Harbiye und Macka.
    → AKM (Atatürk-kultur-merkezi)
  • Talimhane: Transformation eines Exerxiergeländes in ein Semi-öffentliches Hotel-viertel
  • Dolapdere & Elmadag: Ein kurzer Blick auf die Rückseite des Kamms. Aufstieg durch die Elmadag-strasse. Grossbürgerliche Apartment und Reihenhaustypologien des 19ten Jhdt. Und die transformation in ein exquistiten Hotelstandort in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Kongresstal.
  • Macka. Geplant als Park durch den Masterplan von Proust bietet das Mackatal mehrere interessante öffentliche Gebäude der klassischen Moderne
    • Hilton Hotel (public space becomes corporate)
    • TU Macka (Umnutzung der Militäranlagen durch die technische Univerisität)
    • Freilichtheater
    • Kongresszentrum ( Istanbul als kongressstadt, Planung und Verkehrsverbindung der beiden Täler Macka und Kagithane )
  • Nisantasi[1] spaziergang durch Nistantasi, die „Bond-Street“ Istanbuls. Von Osmanbey weiterfahrt mit der U-bahn nach Metro: Levent4.
  • Levent / (Gartenstadt und CBD auf den Parzellen ehem. Fabrikgelände)

(Besuch der Aussichtsplatform Sapphire / 50 levels)

13:00 Lunch in Sapphire

Weiterfahrt mit der U-bahn von Metro: Levent.4 nach Metro:Gayreteppe

Blick von der Brücke auf das Zorlu Center. Exklusives wohnen am Autobahnkreuz.

  • Obere Büyükdere Strasse Mecidiyeköy[2] (Mecidiyeköy ist geographisch und verkehrstechnisch der zentralste ort in der stadt und verändert sich mit der höchsten geschwindikeit)
    → Trump Towers/ Brigitte Weber Architekten: Hohe wohnqualität in hoher dichte. (innenbesichtigung / Führung durch das Haus möglich falls erwünscht)

Individuelle Rückfahrt mit der U-bahn, Bus oder zu Fuss.

Monday 18. Juni

18.00 Mimar Sinan Technical University Planungsfakultät (Findikli Campus) / Meeting with Murat Cemal Yalcintan (contact Katharina)

Tuesday 19. Juni

9:00 Excursion by chartered bus / Car city / Neue Zentralität an der Autobahn / öffentlicher Raum

  • Taksimplatz / Treffpunkt am AKM , Fahrt über Sishane Kagithane.
  • Kagithane[3] / informal urban developpment / industrialisierungsgeschichte
    • Santral Istanbul / Museum for Contemporary Art und Campus der Bilgi Universität. / pilot-project für die Umwandlung eines Industrietals
    • Tekfen Offices (Kagithane ofis parki) / Emre Arolat. Informelle Stadtentwicklung als Architektur-Konzept.
  • Göktürk/ Kemercountry / Entstehung eines neuen Bezirks aus einer Gated community
  • Ümraniye[4]

14:00 – 15:00 Late lunch in Meydan

Meydan (Foreign office architects) Erfindung des öffentlichen Raum, Kiezzentrum und Einkaufsmöglichkeit für Bewohner der anliegenden Gated communities im Rahmen eines kommerziellen Grossprojektes

  • Ataşehir[5] (CBD auf der grünen Wiese/ Umsiedlung staatlicher Banken von Ankara nach Istanbul.
    Meridian (eine cooperation zwischen RMJM und VARYAP) / Bodenspekulation und Immobilienblase (Besuch des Verkaufsbüros, falls erwünscht)

Drop off in Bagdat Cadessi / individuelle Rückfahrt mit dem Dolmus.

Mittwoch 20. Juni

11.00 Istanbul Technical University / Meeting with Ipek Akpinar

Führung durch die Fakultät (contact Katharina)

Dienstag 26. Juni

xx.xx Presentation Superpool (contact Gunnar)


Hostel Galata

Mueyyedzade Mah Luleci Hendek Cad
Ali Hoca Ar 34425 Galata - Beyoglu
+90 (212) 292 7866(SUMO)


Mumhane Caddesi 18, 3rd floor
34425 Karaköy

ITU Taskisla

Faculty of Architecture (Student Registrars Office)
Taşkışla Campus
34457 Taksim-İSTANBUL

Mimar Sinan Uni

Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi No. 24
34427 Fındıklı / İstanbul


<display_points service="openlayers" layers="osm-mapnik,osmarender,osm-cyclemap,osm-oepnv,bing"> 41.028507,28.9738|Tünel 41.02436,28.979|Hotel Portus House </display_points>


  1. Nişantası was planned as a new town for the ottoman aristocracy in the early 19th century. Its strict layout according to a rectangular grid and the location to the north of Pera shows a parallel to the planning of Haussmann for the modern city of Paris. For its location on the hills, Nişantaşı was never subject to a drastic demographic change. Until today the social specificities of its inhabitants can be categorized as rather established middle class, so does the shopping environment assembled by expensive boutiques and globally exclusive fashion brands indicate. At early times the density of Nişantaşı was very low. Each building plot was planned for the construction of one Konak, a wooden city villa and some smaller secondary housing for the attendants and servants of the household. Over the decades and with the expatriation of the ottoman owners, the construction of Nişantaşı gradually changed into a block perimeter with a street facing façade and backyard garden. These backyards can still be found in Nişantaşı today. They have however shrunk more and more due to densification and an increase in building hights.
  2. Mecidiyeköy is an area which has been effected severely by the increase in motorized traffic and the shrinkage of open spaces. The construction of the first ring road and the development of the Büyükdere Cadessi into a main traffic artery with the construction of the Tarlabaşı Boulevard have turned Mecidiyeköy into a transit area. Due to the impossible infrastructural situation and high density public buildings and sportsfacilities have gradually disappeared from the area. For instance does Mecidiyeköy not facilitate the renovation of the the Galatasaray stadium, 'Ali Sami Yen' for the benefit of accommodating more visitors. In the year 2010 it will be destroyed and rebuild in a different spot. Before the construction of the highway the face of the district of Şişli to which Mecidiyköy belongs used to be dominated by walkable spaces and a high number of plane trees, most of which were planted in a row on the middle strip of the Büyükdere axis, a street that was planned under republican order as a green boulevard, lined by city apartments to house the republican bourgeoisie. The most popular of these normally 3 to 4 story high apartment houses, the house of Mustafa Kemal is still remaining and has been turned into a museum.
  3. A large percentage of buildings in Kağıthane developed from informal settlements into apartment-blocks without close supervision of planners and architects. The gecekondus that settled on the slopes of the valley were attracted by the industries along the Golden Horn and the Cendere river. Today most of these factories have been moved out of the city deconstructing the demographic relevancy of what was formerly a working class area. The recent construction of a tunnel connecting the valley of Kağıthane with the Maçka valley in Beşiktaş has layed the foundation for a future development in which Kağithane will play a central role as a location for international events and conferences on one hand and a high yield residential area in the closest proximity to the cities financial district. Recent developments such as Santral Istanbul and several architectural projects for lofts and modern apartment blocks in the area are indicators for this development.
  4. With the construction of the second ring road the land in close proximity to the motorway interchange Kavacık has increased drastically in value. In the 90s the old neighbourhood of Ümraniye started up a development trend that attracted many international firms, many new residential developments and shopping centers. These have created a new urban focal point accessible by car and connected with the rest of the city by its strategic location between the 2 Boshporus bridges. The area of Çekmeköy developed just outside the second ring road as an agglomeration of a new typology of housing that incorporates the trend of separating living, working and enjoyment, facilitated by the use of private transportation.
  5. Just outside the second ring road on the Asian side of the city Ataşehir is emerging in the middle of waiting lands to become İstanbuls new financial centre. The development of Ataşehir, was jump-started in 2007 when Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan instructed the corporate headquarters of several state owned banks to relocate from Ankara to Istanbul. Ataşehir is considered ideal for development as it is located at the intersection of Sabiha Gökçen Airport and Istanbul's new metroline, and on the main road between Istanbul and Ankara. Along with the development of a subcentre in Kartal, Ataşehir is planned to counterweight the expansion of Levent financial district and with it, the high number of commuters caused by a concentration of the business sector on the European side of the city while the Asian side functions predominantly as a sleepers town. The rapidly increasing land costs and the construction of landmark architecture have turned Ataşehir into a hotspot for property speculation. Luxury apartments in projects such as Merdian by the international architecture firm RMJM are dealt at top prices presenting a change of ownership as high as 7 times before construction is finalized.