Cocoa Touch

From Medien Wiki
Revision as of 00:11, 7 March 2010 by Mm (talk | contribs)

Cocoa and Cocoa Touch are the application development environments for Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Both Cocoa and Cocoa Touch include the Objective-C runtime and two core frameworks:

  • Cocoa (for Mac OS X)
    • Foundation Classes (eg. NSString, NSNumber, Collections like NSArray, NSDictionary...)
    • AppKit Classes (eg. NSResponder, NSView, NSWindow, NSButton and many more...)
  • Cocoa Touch (for iPhoneOS)
    • Foundation Classes (eg. NSString, NSNumber, Collections like NSArray, NSDictionary...)
    • UIKit Classes (eg. UIResponder, UIView, UIWindow, UIButton, UIAccelerometer and many more...)


  • Cocoa - Recommended Reading!

Diese Seite ist Teil des Werkmoduls iOS Development von Michael Markert für Interface Design / Fakultät Medien an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.