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Revision as of 09:07, 17 October 2012 by Gunnar (talk | contribs)

Talk Joe Davis.png

„...[es] sind die Bemühungen dessen, der, überflogen von Sternen, die Menschenwerk sind, .. , zeltlos in diesem bisher ungeahnten Sinne und damit auf das unheimlichste im Freien, mit seinem Dasein zur Sprache geht, wirklichkeitswund und Wirklichkeit suchend“ Paul Celan

Featured Projects

Super Cell is a fictional supermarket website offering speculative products related to Synthetic Biology and our project for iGEM 2010. Super Cell „You shall not make for yourself an idol...“

...just google it.

plug & pray is an interactive artwork that allows believers to pray through their computer. plug & pray makes the search for God easier, with the help of the internet. plug & pray works as if you were praying. Believers use the pray device that activates a google image search for the word „God“ on the act of praying. plug & pray believers see the results of their prayers as spiritualized video, projected before their very eyes. Jörg Brinkmann: plug and pray

Check out our archives with student works and thesis works of BFA and MFA graduates.

Teaching Staff

Chair: Prof. Ursula Damm
Marienstraße 5, Raum 304
99423 Weimar
Telefon:. +49 3643 / 58-3607
E-Mail: ursula.damm [at]

Dipl-Künstler Max Neupert
Marienstraße 5, Raum 208
99423 Weimar
Telefon: +49 3643 / 58-3872
E-Mail: max.neupert [ät]

Dominique Hurth
Marienstraße 5, Raum 208
99421 Weimar
Telefon: +49 3643 / 58-3871
E-Mail: dominique.hurth [at]

Gunnar Green MA (RCA)
Marienstraße 5, Raum 305
99421 Weimar
Telefon: +49 3643 / 58-3873
E-Mail: [at]

other staff


<randomimage size="650" float="left" choices=" georg 360 5xLena.jpg| kurpark.jpg| Sieg.jpg| Raphael Hundeuebungsplatz.jpg| Dorf1.jpg| untitled.jpg| Ruine.jpg| Bahnhof2.jpg| marktplatz.jpg| Straßenkreuzung.jpg| chambre.jpg| lobeda.jpg| poposhop.jpg| cpkreuzung.jpg| " />
360° Fotographie. Assignment of the undergraduates in their first week.

Hilfe – Help