recommended Basic parts for Arduino starters
Arduino, USB cable
- Arduino Arduino Uno Segor Watterott or any clone if are familiar with your choice.
- USB-Cable matching the above Arduino. (Standard USB A / B cable for Arduino Uno) Watterott Segor
The "Glue" to keep things together
- 1 Breadboard Segor or Watterott or Reichelt or Pollin
- 1 Set of alligator Clips (10): buy them anywhere. I have mine from Segor and they are ok. conrad or segor
- 1 Set of Breadboard Jumper wires, flexible cables preferred but solid wire works too.
Carbon film Resistors (or other resistors with easy to read colors)
each value 5 times: - save money buying packs of 100 pieces. The links are for packs of 100!
- 220R Conrad Pollin
- 1k Conrad Pollin
- 10k Conrad Pollin
- 100k Conrad Pollin
- 1M Conrad Pollin
- 4M7 Conrad
Note: if you are planning to use many LEDs you probably will need more 220R resistors.
Capacitors, min. 16V - ideally 25V each value one time:
- 10n ceramic or film Segor Reichelt
- 100n ceramic or film Segor Reichelt
- 1µ electrolytic Segor Reichelt
- 10µ electrolytic Segor Reichelt
- 100µ electrolytic Segor Reichelt
- 1000µ electrolytic Segor Reichelt
Conrad online product search could need slight improvements... no links for conrad here - but they have them too.
- 5 Cheap push Buttons with 2 or 4 legs that fit in your breadboard (no matter what size):
Cheap 5mm LEDs - Color doesn't Matter, 20mA or 10mA doesn't matter if you need them just for testing.
- standard brightness, 10mA yellow: Segor (opaque, yellow housing)
- standard brightness, 10mA green: Segor (opaque, green housing)
- standard brightness, 10mA orange: Segor (opaque, orange housing)
- standard brightness, 10mA red: Segor (opaque, red housing)
or Clear, brighter 5mm LEDs if you are interested in Lighting or building sensors based on light:
- Super bright, green: Segor (clear housing: color can't be determined by eye!)
- Super bright, red 30mA Pollin (clear housing: color can't be determined by eye!)
- Super bright, yellow, 50mA Pollin (clear housing: color can't be determined by eye!)
RGB LED (3 LEDs in one)
less important - but recommendable if you want to play with transistor circuits apart from Arduino:
Sensors and Actors : Input and Output
- 1 LDR (Light depending resistor with less than 10k bright resistance @10Lx) Watterott
- 1 or 2 rotary Potentiometers, linear taper, 100k or 10k or 20k - will all do:
- 1 DC Motor Pollin
- 1 Servo Pollin or Conrad or Segor or locally: MHCW, search for article number 500502019 directly from China, via ebay.
2 x Relay either 12V (12V power adapter needed, see below at optional parts) or 6(5)V (no additional power needed):
5 or 6 V:
- PowerRelais 6V-100R 1xUM 250VAC-10A 21,5x15,5x18mm Segor, only on request!
- 5V, 1x 2-Way, breadboard compatible: Reichelt
- 1x 2-Way, 5V, Breadboard compatible Reichelt
- 1 x 2-way, 125V, 12V 700r, Breadboard compatible: Segor
- 1 x 2-way 2A/24VDC 12,6x7,8x10, Segor breadboard compatible (not available in the local store!!!)1
Optional In/Output
- Opto coupler Segor
- Magnet Sensors (Hall)
- Reed-Switch (Magnetic actuated switch) + Magnet
- Tilt Sensor
- Microphone (+ parts for a preamp)
- Thermistor
- analog or digital Temperature Sensor Segor, LM335
- Sharp Distance Sensor
- Parallax Ping distance Sensor
- 3 axis Accelerometer (analog for beginners, digital for advanced users)
- Hall sensors (magnetic fields)
- analog Multiplexer (more analog inputs)
- LED-Matrix + necessary Transistors / Shift registers
- Stepper motor Driver (have to know if unipolar or bipolar!) + Stepper motor (unipolar or bipolar or universal!)
- LCD, Vibration Motors, Electro Magnets, ...
- Shift-Registers (more digital outputs)
- Quarz 16MHz, Voltage regulator 5V (run Atmega on Breadboard without Arduino board)
- 1 Infrared LED and 1 Infrared receiver (36kHz or 38kHz) if you want to control your TV or receive command from a remote
Soldering and other mechanical accessories
- Stripboard or Arduino Prototyping shield
- screw terminal (5.04mm or 2.54mm)
- AC Adapter (Power Supply "Wall Wart" type), 12VDC or better a universal adapter with selectable voltage.
- Coaxial_power_connector (German: Hohlstecker):