GMU:Provokative Architektur/Stephanie Massarelli, Vanessa Murillo, Jorgelina Garcia

From Medien Wiki

We like to picture cities as big containers of people with millions of experiences, feelings and emotions.

Besides all the historical characters, Weimar is now our home.

All our experiences take place in a physical space, but we tend to share most of them in a virtual atmosphere.

We just love social networks. Its fascinating how in a short period of time, most of people can't image their lives without those tools.

What if you had to face it all in the real world?

Emil.jpg Massarelli.jpg

Iraj.jpg Pol.jpg

Our Challenge

Close our Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and any other possible Social Network account that we could have for a certain period of time.

Turn Weimar into a Physical, Touchable and Real Social Network.

This project is about things that matter for each of us. It's about our emotions, our experiences, our memories, our (un)forgettable moments.

At the open!

Our main Inspiration

Documentation Blog

Interesting Articles

The End of Solitude

Facebook Envy: How Cruising Can Kill Self Esteem

Meghan Daum: Do you suffer from Facebook envy?