MODEN:MUSTERKOFFER 2012-2013/arbeiten/kofferkit

From Medien Wiki


Esra Melody Butcher | Obsessive Mime

A mime artist is someone who uses mime as a theatrical medium to performe art, involving miming, or the acting out a story through body and face motions, without use of speech. As I met with miming a few years ago I have a great respect and passion in it and that's why I have used pantomime art in my Musterkit. It was quite risky because I had to design the emptiness in my suitcase; as we know, a mime artist mostly doesn't use an object in the stage. Due to this reason there is no object in the suitcase but the detailed spaces for objects that a mime artist needs in a certain play which I will talk about in deatil , gives a great clue to know what are the objects.

The second most important thing is, there is a story and character about the mime artist who will need that suitcase! Our mimer is going for fishing, but not for eating the fish, just to satisfy its obsession about catching the biggest fish. He / she just wants to experience it and find out its own record. Again, I was influenced from one of the plays our mime group has written and played in Turkey. But, according to the aim of project I have added some small changes to the fisher's chracter. As we can see from the photos a mime artist need fishline which rolled to a piece of cardboard, a jar of fishing worm, a tape measure to check the length of the fish and ofcourse a camera to take the photograph of the longest fish, and a safe place for a sandvich for herself, as we could imagine he/she will be waiting there for a long time!

To build this suitcase took me approximately 8 or 9 hours. My thema is striped black and white because that is the costume of a mime artist and I also used red because that is the colour a mime artist mostly uses in it's make up or as small accessories'.

Boris Fritz Bojara - Love 2 cu Dance

Der „Love 2 c u Dance- Suitcase“ beinhaltet alles um den Zeltplatz zur Turmbühne umzufunktionieren.

Kurze Verschnaufpause? Schnell Energie tanken & dennoch weiter tanzen? -Alles kein Problem. Die integrierten Boxen + iPod lassen deinen Geist und Körper weiter zappeln & mit dem Lageplan im Kofferdeckel kannst du dich für deine nächste Reise aufs Gelände orientieren.

Aber auch Spiel & Spaß dürfen natürlich nicht zu knapp kommen, dafür gibt’s die Seifenblasen-, Konfetti- & Glitzerbox. In den beiden First Aid Fächern findest du Kaugummis für den kleinen Hunger, Nasenspray für verstopfte Schnupfnasen, Dextro & Magnesium für einen neuen Energieschub & Kondome. ALSO, genug verschnauft & zurück auf die Party des Jahres. Sonnenbrille auf, Zigarette hinters Ohr & auf geht’s! Olé, Olé...

Bei diesen riesigen & verrückten Festival ist es wichtig den Überblick nicht zu verlieren, daher ist der Koffer ähnlich wir ein kleine Kommode aufgebaut. Durch die Fächeraufteilung hat man eine klare Struktur & es leicht Gegenstände zu verstauen und viel wichtiger sie wieder zu finden. Viele Farben in unterschiedlichen & auffälligen Mustern, glitzernde Papiere, Leomuster, Federn, Lederoptik, die Discokugel & das nicht zusehende Brand der Zigaretten greifen den extravaganten & sehr besonderen Stil der Fusion auf. Ein Zusammenspiel zwischen Disco & Naturbelassenheit.

We can dance 4 ever!

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