EKK:LoFi Sounds in HiFi Spaces/Making connection/ooVoo

From Medien Wiki


ooVoo is a multi-platform video conferencing/chat application that boasts allowing up to 12 simultaneous video streams.

Unlike Skype, ooVoo doesn't make use of peer-to-peer connections, instead relying on some kind of cloud configuration. Apparently because of this, ooVoo's CEO has stated that ooVoo isn't typically used for "scheduled international calls or professional meetings," instead focusing on casual users. Nevertheless, the Washington Post claimed in 2011 that ooVoo had been approved for official communications within the US House of Representatives.

The ooVoo Experience

ooVoo manifests as a cluttered and non-native interface spread across multiple windows for its various tasks: a contacts list, a text chat window, a video chat window, etc. Every window displays advertisements at you. It can be assumed that these are targeted: during our intercontinental chats, I was shown a Volkswagen ad comprised of text in Spanish, German, and English simultaneously.

Frustratingly, some menu items are not identical across platforms. In trying to troubleshoot issues we were having, ooVoo's tech support page referred to necessary menu entries which existed on OS X, but not on Windows.

Testing ooVoo

We tested ooVoo as a 3-person team with one person in Weimar and 2 people at separate locations in San Diego.