GMU:CyberSpace/Walden Three

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"Walden Three" aka "The Skinner Box"

based on the futuristic novel "Walden Two" by B.F. Skinner, [1] I fantasized about test or better a device, to learn or indoctrinate "positive behavior". This test or device could could be used o find out if certain people are able to function in certain environments, like utopian communities, but also, more practical, in environments where outmost respect, self-recognition and pro-social behavior is a must, such as space stations, islands, bunkers or similar heterotopic environments [2]. Although it was clear, that the outcome was somewhat questionable or even fascist, as it denies free will and forces anyone to a certain mindset and behavior, I started my research and quickly was drawn to the "Skinner Box" [3], named after the very same B.F. Skinner. The idea is here, to stimulate or punish certain actions, to "learn" the subject to do the "right" action. While the original Skinner Box uses rats and punishes them with a electric shock or endowed the right behavior with food, my Skinner Box for humans had to be more advanced and versatile to "teach" the positive behavior I had in my mind for my imaginary "Walden Three" Community.
