APASRI TITATARN : Bots n Plots class
First touch with Python . . . .gettin to know how to draw basic shapes
Here is my first drawing in class with coding.
my sheep robot. . . funny one
My Aim about this class :
" I would like to make imageBot and furthur step would be to make it move as short animated GIF"
Homework 2nd week Assignment to make your own moving robot.
This is my CloudBot. A cloud with falling snowflakes GIF. I coded in processing with python language. Here is the code . . .
#cloud width = 400 posx = [width/4,width/3,3*width/5,width/2,width/5,2*width/3,3.8*width/5,width/2.3] def setup(): size(400,400) background(255) frameRate(12) def draw(): noStroke() background(179,226,228) change= sin(frameCount*0.1) drawcloud(change) sx= width/2 n = frameCount textsnow(posx,change) saveFrame("cloudbot##.jpg") def drawcloud(change): print change fluffy = change*5 fill(255) #cloud 1 S ellipse(1.25*width/5,0.9*height/1.8,80+fluffy,80+fluffy) #cloud 2 M ellipse(2*width/5,height/1.8-height/10,130+2*fluffy,120+1.5*fluffy) #cloud 3 L ellipse(2.7*width/5,0.95*height/1.8-height/10,120+fluffy,145+fluffy) #cloud 4 M ellipse(3.5*width/5,height/1.8-height/10,110+2.5*fluffy,110+2*fluffy) #face fill(80) ellipse(width/3,height/2,7,7) ellipse(2*width/3,height/2,7,7) def textsnow(posx,change): fill(255) textSize(32) i=0 while i <7: text("*",posx[i]+change*i,height/1.8+frameCount*(i+1)/5) i =i+1
TwitterBot :MID TERM ASSIGNMENT ======Kaleidoscope Bot=======
code for the image processing
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw,ImageFilter import PIL.ImageOps as im import numpy as np def makekaleido(): #put image path imgfile = "img.jpg" #load Image source = Image.open(imgfile) #adjust the source image a bit for nicer result base = source.rotate(31) #creat mask base the same size with source image mask = Image.new('RGBA', base.size, (255,255,255,0)) x, y = base.size # one variable to vary the size of triangle var = y/14 # Define triangle mask position (triangle with 20 degree) (originx,originy) = (x/3,int(0.9*y)) trih = int(12*var) #fix formular for triangle height triw = int(4.2*var) #fix formular for triangle width polygonpos = [(originx,originy), (originx+triw,originy), (originx+triw/2,originy-trih)] #print(trih,triw) # Create mask draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask,'RGBA') draw.polygon(polygonpos,(0,0,0,255)) del draw mask.save("mask.png") # Get the Alpha band from the template tmplt = Image.open('mask.png') A = tmplt.split()[3] #make one piece of triangle on transparent bg [R,G,B]=base.split() tri = Image.merge('RGBA', (R, G, B, A)) #crop it to the exact size of triangle!! to create primary pattern #box (left, top , right, buttom) box =(originx,(originy-trih),(originx+triw),originy) pattern_plain=tri.crop(box) pattern_plain.save('pattern_plain.png') print('....pattern created....') # add style to pattern pattern = pattern_plain #pattern= pattern_plain.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE) pattern.save('pattern_tri.png') print('....stylized pattern....') #make square canvas for the output (wide = double size of height of primary pattern) canvas =Image.new('RGBA',(2*trih,2*trih), (255,255,255,0)) canvas.save('tmpcanvas.png') pcanvas=Image.new('RGBA',(2*trih,2*trih), (255,255,255,0)) #put pattern on the canvas #make sure to put the tip of the triangle at the center of the canvas #because when we rotate the center of the object is the pivot point #note: paste command require the coordinate of top left corner #so point to paste the pattern is . . . ccenterx = int(trih-triw/2) canvas.paste(pattern,(ccenterx,trih)) # start rotate the pattern around every 40 degree for i in range (0,360,40): tmpcanvas = canvas tmppat = canvas.rotate(i) canvas= Image.alpha_composite(tmpcanvas,tmppat) # now we get half of the things half = canvas #mirror the half and put in the space to create simple kaleidoscpoe effect mirror = im.mirror(half) half2= mirror.rotate(20) #merge 2 half output=Image.alpha_composite(half,half2) output.save("final.png") if __name__ == '__main__': makekaleido()
I also made the gif version of Kaleidoscope by make 35 different images each turning 10 degree of the source image.
Source image : illustration from Oliver Jeffers [[File:JEFFERS>JPG]]
This is the code of Gif Version
Kaleidoscope 360 GIF ==
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw,ImageFilter import PIL.ImageOps as im import numpy as np import moviepy.editor as mpy def onepic(): global output #creat mask base the same size with source image mask = Image.new('RGBA', base.size, (255,255,255,0)) x, y = base.size print("base size: %sx%s"%(x,y)) # one variable to vary the size of triangle var = y/28 # Define triangle mask position (triangle with 20 degree) (originx,originy) = (int(0.4*x),int(y)) trih = int(12*var) #fix formular for triangle height triw = int(4.2*var) #fix formular for triangle width polygonpos = [(originx,originy), (originx+triw,originy), (originx+triw/2,originy-trih)] print(trih,triw) # Create mask draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask,'RGBA') draw.polygon(polygonpos,(0,0,0,255)) del draw mask.save("mask.png") # Get the Alpha band from the template tmplt = Image.open('mask.png') A = tmplt.split()[3] #make one piece of triangle on transparent bg [R,G,B]=base.split() tri = Image.merge('RGBA', (R, G, B, A)) #crop it to the exact size of triangle!! to create primary pattern #box (left, top , right, buttom) box =(originx,(originy-trih),(originx+triw),originy) pattern_plain=tri.crop(box) pattern_plain.save('pattern_plain.png') print('....pattern created....') # add style to pattern pattern = pattern_plain #pattern= pattern_plain.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE) pattern.save('pattern_tri.png') print('....stylized pattern....') #make square canvas for the output (wide = double size of height of primary pattern) canvas =Image.new('RGBA',(2*trih,2*trih), (255,255,255,0)) canvas.save('tmpcanvas.png') pcanvas=Image.new('RGBA',(2*trih,2*trih), (255,255,255,0)) #put pattern on the canvas #make sure to put the tip of the triangle at the center of the canvas #because when we rotate the center of the object is the pivot point #note: paste command require the coordinate of top left corner #so point to paste the pattern is . . . ccenterx = int(trih-triw/2) canvas.paste(pattern_plain,(ccenterx,trih)) # start rotate the pattern around every 40 degree for i in range (0,360,40): tmpcanvas = canvas tmppat = canvas.rotate(i) canvas= Image.alpha_composite(tmpcanvas,tmppat) # now we get half of the things half = canvas print('half already') #mirror the half and put in the space to create simple kaleidoscpoe effect mirror = im.mirror(half) half2= mirror.rotate(20) print('mirrored') #merge 2 half output=Image.alpha_composite(half,half2) output.save("output.png") #def makegif(): #clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(outfilename, fps=3) #clip.write_gif("%s.gif"%filename) def makekaleido(image) : global base, filename, source, imgfile, n, outfilename #IN CASE Working on filename in the laptop #put image path imgfile = "tweetimg.jpg" filename = imgfile[:-4] print(filename) #load Image source = Image.open(imgfile) #source = image.copy() x, y = source.size if x > 1000: newy = int(1000*y/x) source =source.resize((1000,newy), Image.ANTIALIAS) print('resize to %sx%s'%source.size) #creat mask base the same size with source image mask = Image.new('RGBA', source.size, (255,255,255,0)) print("mask size:%sx%s"%source.size) #rotate source n times for a degree n= 10 outfilename=[] for a in range(n+n-2): outfilename.insert(a,'0') a= 10 base = source for i in range(n): base = source.rotate(31+i*a) onepic() output.save('%s%s.png'%(filename,i)) outfilename[i] = filename+str(i)+'.png' if i!=0: outfilename[2*n-2-i] = filename+str(i)+'.png' clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(outfilename, fps=3) clip.write_gif("%s.gif"%filename) image2 = Image.open('tweetimg3.png') return image2,clip if __name__ == '__main__': makekaleido(image)