
From Medien Wiki
Mindaugas Gapševičius. My very first patch

Lecturer: Mindaugas Gapševičius
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Wednesday 17:00 - 20:30
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, (Room 204)
First meeting: Wednesday, 19 October 2016; 17:00-20:30

Dataflow programming can be easier and faster to grasp than code based languages. We will focus on free, open source, and cross-platform Pure Data (Pd) visual programming language. Its native Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol will help us to get data from networking sound synthesizers, computers, and other multimedia devices. In small assignments we will gradually learn to use the software and solve tasks enabling us to realize more complex projects. Final results may be playful musical instruments, interactive installations or mobile apps which all together may be connected into an experimental orchestra. This class is aimed at a beginner level introducing Dataflow programming paradigms to artists and designers.

Students will be expected to develop a small project.


  • dataflow, network
  • synthesizer
  • gem, webcam
  • software (pd, processing, max/msp)
  • mobmuplat (iOS, Android)
  • arduino (photo sensor)
  • Performance platform DBL
  • Actor network

Previous courses and other related info

Dataflow I (SS15) documentation and the jam session


  • Bang, 2006, © by pd-graz Verein zur Förderung der Open Source Software Pure Data
  • Designing Sound, Andy Farnell
  • Multimedia Programming with Pure Data, Bryan WC Chung
  • Programming Sound with Pure Data, Tony Hillerson
  • The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music, Miller Puckette
  • A Young Person's Guide to the Principles of Music Synthesis, Beau Sievers