General Information on word embeddings
For a general explanation look here: [1]
Made by Google, uses Neural Net, performs good on semantics.
Installation + getting started:
Included in the gensim package.
To install, just type
pip install gensim
into a command window.
Here are some of the things you can do with the model: [2]
Here is a bit of background information an an explanation how to train your own models: [3].
Made by Facebook based on word2vec. Better at capturing syntactic relations (like apparent ---> apparently) see here:
Pretrained model files are HUGE - this will be a problem on computers with less than 16GB Memory
Installation + getting started:
Included in the gensim package.
To install, just type
pip install gensim
into a command window.
Documentation is here: [5]
Invented by the Natural language processing group in standford [6]. Uses more conventional math instead of Neural Network "Black Magic" [7]. Seems to perform just slightly less well than Word2vec and FastWord.
pre trained models
- Word2Vec and FastText, Multiple languages, no english, trained on Wikipedia
- Mostly GloVe, some word2vec, English, Trained on News, Wikipedia, Twitter
- Fasttext, all imaginable languages, trained on Wikipedia