From Medien Wiki

Timeless Origin VR (Projekt)

This movie consists of abstract and intuitively designed objects that react to the frequencies of the different soundlayers. In addition, this movie used the possibilities of design, which are not based on real existing objects. The viewer is guided through various scenes, in which the viewer watching to audiorective objects. The project is be realized cinematically. A remix of the track "Nebulous Dawn" of the album "Zeit" of the band "Tangerine Dream" from the year 1972 formed the basis of a further visual interpretation and is also the auditive level of the movie. This movie should remind of the origin of electronic soundscapes.

The materiality in the sound and in the picture stand for the typical characteristics of earlier media. This charakteristics survived to this day. Visual film noise and tape noise are used to give the viewer a analogous like expirience and brings some imperfection to the movie.


Lecture - Magritte VR Experience (PDF) File:SoSe2018 PaulPolze MagritteVR Homework.pdf