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Revision as of 10:08, 22 November 2022 by Juyoun Oh (talk | contribs)
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i tried to upload some pics from our class or a workshop, i even don't know why, but because of HTTP error(?), sadly the files can be uploaded. I would try it later again.

Bacterial battery : Electricity can be founded even from bacteria in mud. At the beginning, the volume of the electricity from bacteria was not that high and not that stable (It was almost only 0.012). But as time goes by, it became higher. About 3weeks later i measured the volume of the electricity again and it was about 0.2 and quiet stable. And still it is alive! :)

Question : when the mud dried out, will the bacteria also die??

Joule Thief :

Simple nutritional medium(workshop) : By mixing agar, malt extract and distilled water we can culture almost any sorts of mushrooms.