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1.12.2022 water sensor

The water sensor is used to detect the presence of water and is typically used to monitor water levels, detect the presence of water or leaks in spaces that need to be kept dry or detect rain fall. The water sensor is essentially a variable resistor that has more or less resistance depending on the amount of water it comes in contact with. It works very well at detecting the presence of water but the jump to the maximum range very quickly when more than a few drops of water are applied.

To connect the Arduino, water sensor and three LED's to indicate the amount of water present I followed the circuit diagram and code here:

In this example the sensor is being used as a rain indicator, so three states were defined: Dry Weather, Average rain and Heavy rain. Depending on the level of water present one of three LED lights would turn on and a corresponding message would be printed in the Arduino console.

int blue=2;
int red=3;
int white=4;

void setup () {
  pinMode (blue,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (red,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (white,OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin (9600);}
void loop() {
  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  int value = analogRead(A0);
  Serial.println (value );
  if (value > 500) {
    Serial.println("Very heavy Rain");
    digitalWrite (blue,LOW);
  else if ((value > 100) && (value <= 500)) {
    Serial.println("AVERAGE Rain");
    digitalWrite (red,LOW);
    digitalWrite (blue,HIGH);
    Serial.println("Dry Weather");
    digitalWrite (white,LOW);
    digitalWrite (red,HIGH);
    digitalWrite (blue,HIGH);

5.12.2022 Learning Ritual

RitualResearch PowerFromWithin.jpg

I have committed to creating one ritual or action per week from now for the duration of the semester. I begin the practice of ritual making from an inexperienced and inhibited place. Making rituals and talking about spirituality makes me uncomfortable, but this is also exciting. I feel clumsy and out of place and so somehow that means this is the right path. To begin this journey I am learning from Jane Batten and reading her book Power From Within: A feminist guide to ritual-making. She gives step be step instructions for crafting your own rituals including how to plan and structure a ritual, examples for each stage of the ritual and tips around specific ceremonies.

20.12.2022 Deep Listening Practice

Deep Listening is a process and a tool to aid in conscious listening. Developed by musician Pauline Oliveros this is a practice to expand our perception of sounds out into the environments around us, out into the 'space/time continuum of sound' and through this expansion to be connected with the environment. Deep listening practice consists of energy work, body work, breathe exercises, vocalising, listening and dream work. Working from the book Deep Listening: a composers sound practice by Oliveros I am exploring Deep Listening as a technique to develop connection with rivers. This is is also linking with work I am doing around soundscapes and recording the sounds of the river as a way of listening- with, being-with and making-with the river.

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