GMU:In Sync/Projects

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Sandra Guzman: Breathing Room

First Test-Patch

A mechanical interactive object that create organic movements by the interaction of sound. The structure will be connected with servo motors controlled by an arduino board. The audio-analysis will be realized with pure data. The motors will be activated by the amplitude/pitch of the incoming audio signal.
First test: Sound as input to control simple graphics with the [adc~] and the [fiddle~] objects.

Michael Kugler: Video Cross-Disolve

Ilm at Dawn

I'm working on making a video cross-disolve. Ultimately, I would like to incorporate motion tracking capability into the patch.

File:Video Cross-Disolve.pd

Sebastian Prince and Júlia Palao: Windows!


Wir wollen eine Projektion an der grauen Wand des Universitäts Bibliotheks machen. Da werden wir eine Gebaude gestalten mit Videos verschiedene Venstern. Die Geräusche und Bewegungen der Leute auf der Straße beeinflussen die Videos der Fenstern.

We would like to do a projection in the grey wall of the university library. To do this project we are going to take some videos in the west part of weimar in this way we want to show the "other" part of weimar and play with the idea of steriotypes of the city. The movements of the people in the streets influence or affect the video through Pure Data.

Ji Kwon: Mirror


I would like to make a patch which can symbolize irony situation. Title is Mirror but I do not want to make a real mirror. It will be a symbol of reflection which is going on behind of us through sound and interactive reaction.

Min J. Shin: Christmas in Germany


I recorded 50 short films and a plenty of pictures from Christmas markets in Dresden, Erfurt, Wien. I'd like to make them just like a music video, but has many events during playing the videos and sounds. The viewers can change the videos as they want to, and if they say something loud, the sound will be changed like a music or echo.

Martin Kohlstedt

Sound visualisation

Sound to Colour

I'm working on making music video footage with inverted colours for projection on different people with typical soundvisualisation tools of Pd.

Self composing random pop music machine (BETA)

random pop music mashine

I've experimented with random music in combination with pentatonic scales out of typical pop music. Here my first try...

Tommy Neuwirth: Slice & Diascope


sliced drummer

Experiment with slicing audio/video on the basis of Tim Vets' autocutup-patch. Playing the separate slices back randomly or via MIDI. Still looking to get further with this.



I want to control the back and forth of a diascope using Pd and Arduino to "play" the slides of the diascope and sound from Pd simultaneously.

Ludwig Völker: Ghostphone


An old Telefon start to ring, somebody will take the earcapsule and talk into it. The voice will be recorded and saved in the patch. At the same time it plays the recorded voice of the last person who talked to the phone. So the auditor talks to a ghost from the past.

Regina Reusch: Audio to Text

Audio to Text

If there was a universal language it probably would be music. In my project I treat this thesis literally by creating a patch witch transforms an analog audio input into text.