IFD:HumanCenteredDesignResearch SoSe13/team2

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User Research

Research we did

Specifiy the research you did: Participant selection/target group, style of data-gathering (observation, asking questions, focus group etc.)

During the course Human Centered Design we conducted an exploratory user study to find out about the acquaintance of Creative Commons, potential pitfalls and caveats of its usage. Our probands where selected from students of the Bauhaus University Weimar from courses of studies ranging from Media Arts & Design over Visual Communication to Product Design aged between 20 - 28 years. All of them were selected for their unawareness of local copyright jurisdiction and licensing models (e.g. CC). The short interviews took place in their personal environment during the activity of publishing original content on their personal (micro)blogging platforms. In advance our group defined the basic premise of identifying the users motivation of publishing their works in the web. After each interview we presented the participants with the concept of Creative Commons and introduced them to the website and the function of choosing their own fitting license.

One participant gladly allowed us to publish the complete interview which you can download here: (German language) Part 1 Media:interview-p3-part1.mp3 Part 2 Media:interview-p3-part2.mp3

Problems I identified

I identified the following Motiavtions and Goals of users

I identified the following important acitvities

Our Ideas

Idea title

What is the essence of this solution?

Two Sentences or 160 Characters!

Why are current solutions unable to support users in this?

Another Idea title

What is the essence of this solution?

Two Sentences or 160 Characters!

Why are current solutions unable to support users in this?


How could be your solution(s) implemented?

Mentor's comments