Meandering Code
From Code to Curves
3D turtle graphics with Beetleblox
We will learn how to program turtles, and how to create abstract line drawings from code
- Learn to use string processing functions
- Learn to write a turtle code interpreter
- Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- John Venn: The Logic of Chance, Randomness and its scientific treatment, p188 (1888)
- Boris Müller: Poetry on the Road (2003)
- Sven Heyll: Turtle DNA Rendering (2008)
- Moritz Stephaner: Notabilia (2011)
Processing Curves
We will get to know interfaces for creating curves, learn how to store them, and how to output them
- Learn how to use Libraries in Processing
- Learn how to read and write strings to files
- File Formats Graffiti (GML) and Motion Capture (BVH)
- Using input devices such as a Graphic Tablet, Tracking-System, etc. to create curves
- Use Processing to output curves in the visual domain
- Use Spacial Synthesizers such as Zirkonium and Iannix to output curves in the auditory domain
Drawing and Writing
- Graffiti Markup Language (GML)
- GML Database
- Universal Typeface
- Handwriting Database
- Handwriting Generator (using a Neural Net)
Motion Capture
- Cologne Motion Capture Database with WebGL Search!
- Perfume Global Site Project
- BVH Parser for Processing
- GML Library for Processing
- Tablet for Processing
- Graphics Tablet Primer for Hackers
- Leap Motion Library for Processing
Spacial Synthesizers
Transforming Curves
In this lecture we will learn how to transform curves programatically.
- Rewriting Curves — In the 1st part we learn how to create space filling curves and meanders with the help of rewriting systems.
- Remapping Curves — In the 2nd part we take curves to higher dimension and learn how to map points on a line to the plane (and back).
- Basics of Fractal Geometry
- Learn to work with data structures, arrays and vectors
- Learn how to design Lindenmayer-Systems
- Learn how to design Remapping-Systems
There is a most excellent book, titled Brain-Filling Curves: A Fractal Bestiary by Jeffrey Ventrella.
Don't miss it. It's the best and most exciting book on spacefilling curves out there!
- Aristid Lindemeyer and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants (1990)
- Jeffrey Ventrella: Brain-Filling Curves (2012)