GMU:Provokative Architektur/Jeremy Booth/workings part 1

From Medien Wiki


I would like to look at how ideas of tangible and intangible histories and cultural 'matierals' can be considered, interrogated, and reimagined, through strategies other than typical museum and/or collection-related, authoritative positions.

I'm thinking laterally about the idea of architecture. As a starting point I've done some pencil drawings that are based on Walking Tours of German cities, traced from Lonely Planet guide books. The idea of being led is something I'm interested in; perhaps being directed through space, or being led more generally with movement itself becoming a form of architecture.

WeimarScansmall.jpg DresdenScansmall.jpg

walking tour, Weimar; walking tour, Dresden

hand held tour Wellington Sunday Markets

A piece of video I found on Youtube. After working with Christine Hill I was quite interested in cusine and market places. Ideas of sharing. I like the way that the camera in this video is passive but also plots the area quite purposefully.

Loose experiments around the idea of 'barrier free' cultural sites

Sketch for an Fauvist Retreat

Thinking about some of the woodland and lake areas outside of Dresden frequented by the German Expressionists such as Die Bruecke and the Fauvists.


Sketch for a Fauvist Retreat 1: site, persons


Sketch for a fauvist Retreat 2: site, persons, animals

Sketch for Morning Chorus

Interested in the intangible elements of the New Zealand landscape; Maori and Polynesian mythology and other non-material concepts (such as whakapapa and mauri) as being architectural features or spaces. Extinct species, also.


Sketch for a Morning Chorus with Huia bird: site, persons, remote digital sound landscape


Sketch for a Morning Chorus with Haast's Eagle and Moa birds: site, persons, remote digital sound landscape

800px-Keulemans Huias.jpg

Keuleman's painting of a female, a male, and an albinistic female Huia

oral history record of Huia call

Sketch for a Waitangi park extension


image copyright Matthew Oliver, 2009 (CC BY-NC-SA 2,0)

Waitangi Park is an urban renewal project in Wellington which has successfully re-introduced a wetland ecosystem. This includes the introduction of plant life and water, and the releasing of eels, fish and other living organisms to attract bird life. I feel like this stirring of elements could also invoke aspects of local mythology. Perhaps to intertwine these tangible elements with a virtual knowledge base.

Revision 2

To start to think about culture more locally and investigate the relationship between its tangible and intangible notions/manifestations.

Weilandplatzwithnoweiland.jpg Goetheandschiller.jpg I want you to buy my books.jpg

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