- How to spot Iridium satellites with bare eyes
- Sattracking.org a wiki dedicated to satellite tracking
- heavens-above.com forecasts of iridium flares, ISS passes for your location (and more)
- N2YO real time satellite tracking with maps and further informations about selected satellites
- KMZ for Google Earth
- Real-Time Satellite data by AGI
- What’s Up: A Visual Database of Satellites and Debris by Ting Wang
- Nasa JTrack a satellite tracking tool by NASA
- online Satellite tracking tool in Java 3D
- Predict command line tool for satellite position prediction
TLE data
Two line element data is a standard format describing the orbit of a satellite
- space-track.org official TLE data from the air-force excluding “secret satellites”
- Mike McCants' classified TLEs
- Celestrack
- CalSky
- www.satobs.org Ressource for visual satellite observeration and the See-Sat mailinglist
- www.hearsat.org Ressource for satellite radio signal monitoring and the Hearsat mailinglist
- United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space
- Union for Concerned Scientists Satellite Database