GMU:Art and Biomedia/Laura Giraldo

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Class referat

The class was dictated and held by Theresa Schubert. During the class we have the chance to know about differents Bio-Media artist in my case I made an exposition about Sommerer & Mignonneau, Tim Knowles and the group Interspecifics, In my presentation I show the works of this artist which was also an approach to everybody in the class to ideat a possible idea for the class project. The post-humanist concept was always a topic of reading and discussion, some text of that interested me strongly were: Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter by Karen Barad and the book “ Speculative everything” from the Semesterapparat.

Personal experience: I decide to join the Biomedia: agencies of being for curiosity. Even knowing that I did not have a professional or technical background related to the Bio-Art I see this as the opportunity to discover and experiment with new fields. I decided to make this first approach/encounter through a hobby that I practice for 5 years, plant collection (Pflanzensammlung) it was not easy trying to find a common area between what I already know and the Bio topic, it was a completely new and challenging world for me however, the workshops, lectures and video approximations to the Bio-Art experience provide me with references and tools to complete the class and make my first Bio-art project.


During the Bio-Media Art class, I had the opportunity to participate in 2 workshops, one dictated by Spela Petric and another one by Wolfgang Spahn, here I share a photo, videos and a brief opinion about my experience in these workshops.

  • Spela Petric


At the beginning of this workshop we made 3 exercises with Spela, related to her personal artwork, one of them was measuring the ratio of threes and see how connected they were in the space, we work with the golden ratio with some frames that Spela brought, the idea was to find the most possible spaces with the golden ratio in the Ilm Park. The last exercise was “communicating with trees” basically with ask the permission of the tree with a sensible amulet created by the artist if we can clean them. This was a reflexion about the sensibility of nature. After these 3 experiences, we made our self “exercise”, we should create a device based on a concept, vision or personal idea.


My idea starts with the representation of the woman as the main life creator, and how we are connected to it through nature. I called “ The Mother”. The device was a globe with different textures in the thumb, index, and middle finger, a rope attached in the ring finger and one hole in the little finger. The different textures are used as a symbolism of the artificial interaction of humanity with nature, leaving the little finger as the only “real” communication with nature. The rope tie in the ring finger is the connection with the human heart as know in Latin America as the heart finger. The idea was to tie the rope around the belly making a node exact where the belly button is placed, use the globe and walk around touching and feeling nature, try to realize the diverse emotions and thoughts that she wants to express, also experience the “artificial” interaction with nature via textured materials.

  • Wolfgang Spahn


This was a really interesting workshop for me because was the first time that I assembled and weld a weld electronic systems in a circuit board. It took me a lot of time to weld all the pieces on the board so the system in the board could be connected to the mixer and start to produce sound across the tiny light sensor. Here a video that shows a bit of the activity.


Trasnmediale Forum

Project Eco-Human

An approach to the concept of Bio-media through sociology and art.

by Laura Giraldo, Bauhaus University 2019

Eco etymology: Latin "echo", from the Greek "ἠχώ" and means "sound". Greek mythology tells us about the nymph Echo, whose voice repeated others in the forest, after his death. It is also called echo to the footprint, at the conceptual level, which leaves something behind.

First steps:

Photo documentation ______________________


Please visitEco-human gallery

Video documentation _______________________

Video process: "How I made leaves transparent"


Video Inside the box:


Bibliography _______________________

Exhibition _______________________