Objective: We want to be able to connect to the RaspberryPi with patchboxOS so we can connect to it via a local Ethernet cable directly connected to the computer without any router. Steps to follow:
- download the patchbox image and put it on SD card with Etcher
- setup fallback fixed IP if no DHCP server is in the network
- Method A: connect an HDMI monitor and USB keyboard to the RaspberryPi. Go to step 6 :)
- Method B: connect Raspberry and computer to a router with DHCP.
- open the terminal type ifconfig to see the local IP address of the computer.
- type ping patchbox.local to see if the Raspberry is running and find its IP address. Tto stop the output press Ctl+Shift+C.
- type ssh -X patch@{IP-address} to connect to the Raspberry. (Replace the curly brackets with the IP address from the previous step.) Default password of the user "patch" is "blokaslabs"
- Follow the setup and change the password.
- add a fallback static IP if no DHCP server is in the network: Type sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf You are in a text editor now. Uncomment (remove the # symbol) the lines defining the fallback address like this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/dhcpcd#Fallback_profile