Hi :) I'm studying mediaculture in the second semester (bachelor). A long time ago (2011) I started studying economics, but never finished and worked in retail/fashion for about 6 years. I also spent a year in a neo liberal republican family in the US as a nanny...for a long time I considered myself so called "apolitical" because I just didn't critically think about the worldviews around me, much less had my own if that makes sense. That changed in recent years and I got really into exploring different thinking tanks and my view on things. Aside from thinking about our current system and the ideologies that come with it, I want to explore the ways we interact with each other/ organize on this planet and how our relationships/ideologies have shaped our relationship with/impact on nature. I will be exploring the ideas of social ecology and communalism/democratic confederalism that are mainly inspired by Murray Bookchin and Abdullah Öcalan. Bookchin: “Social Ecology is based on the conviction that nearly all of our present ecological problems originate in deep seeded social problems.”
Sources/ Inspiration so far: