GMU:Being a Unicellular Organism/Bo Liu

From Medien Wiki


Here you can find a record of my observations and initial idea on Physarum Policephalum :))

//sketch File:Sketch222.pdf

//record & idea File:Slime1stIdea.pdf

//slime mould still alive File:TillNov.pdf

//attempt File:Attempt 2&3.pdf


I was amazed by the growth rate of physarum polycephalum and its desire for food. After placing it on the agar dishes for the first time in BioLab, I brought it back to the student apartment to start feeding and observing it.


The first night in the student apartment, this unicellular organism started to spread its tentacles towards food. I also recorded its meal through time-lapse video. As I tried time-lapse in BioLab for the first time during the day, the wrong camera perspective led to a poor observation. So I chose plate #3 alone and left it in the kitchen to record for about ten hours. //time lapse video link:[1]

23.10.2021, Morning

The slime mold in plate #3 spread out and I found by chance that its texture looked like a tree ;)) I wondered if the slime mold would appear to have a more regular texture if the food was positioned more regularly.