GMU:Speculative Atmospheres II/Leandra

From Medien Wiki



for my final project i was torn between funny little umbrellas and my fascination for waters’ movement and its reflections that often distort our perception/vision getting to know processing and its great possibilities and offerings brought the idea of colourful shapes and forms to my mind. i wanted to transform natural movements we cant really sense into artificial motions we can see as i wanted to show waters movement through visuals using processing i soon realised how hard this could be for someone who isn’t too deep into programming. someone like me. i couldn’t make things work as i wanted them to so i searched the depths of the internet and found a youtuber who simulates falling rain, i used parts of his code he offers on github and transformed it into my own and FINALLY made it work !!




Final Presentation

presentation with voiceover

presentation without voiceover incase you don't want to listen to my lovely voice..

Questions, questions

I see Water, but can i really sense whats going on underneath the surface? Can I see a small creeks movements? How can I make these motions of water visible?

How can I transform the effect of sun and light into movement ?

How do shadows and reflections romanticize and distort our perception/vision?

Inspiration/what I like:

- Tele-present Wind - David Bowen


- Andy Goldsworthy


- Sound of Rain and wind File:schnee.mp3

- Reflections and shadows

      File:VID_20211206_152046_LS.mp4 File:VID_20211206_182739_LS.mp4

Kopf Voll


  Klicken um Gif Abzuspielen!

  Under my umbrella.   Sing me a song mister windmill



Visualization: click the picture to play the gif ! Shapes and forms that show the waters movement.

