Asasu Passion

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The past few decades have seen the traits of ‘narcissism’ spread around and it has been labelled by social scientists as a ‘modern epidemic’. In accordance with the rapid change in society, the rise of individualism, in technology, and the environment we grow up in which result in narcissistic traits in various aspects and exist on a spectrum. At a healthy level, it can create a positive sense of self, making one confident, goal-oriented, resilient and ambitious. On the other hand, at a high level or in the state of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), a person displays an inflated sense of self-importance and high levels of self-admiration, a need for constant attention and admiration from others, difficulty forming relationships, and a general lack of empathy for others.** These behaviours appear to convey an exaggerated sense of self-love, but what lies behind the mask is a fragile sense of self-worth, and they can cause destructive harm, not only to others, but also to oneself. To connect the issue with artistic-creative approach, to enhance the ecological forms of the social and to explore the silver lining of ‘narcissism’, this project embraced and interrogated the concept of narcissism in order to address the social psychological nature of environmental crises and to mention the trauma in early lives of an individual. Even though, humans are products of their society, community and family, there are massive complex layers in narcissism as it has been heavily involved in ‘modern society’ that can be analysed and discussed.


about the project

‘MASK // MIRROR // SHADOW’ questions and examines our minds, thoughts, behaviours that impact ourselves and other human beings in the society. The interdisciplinary work that runs across psychology and art fields aims to challenge the viewers’ perception of themselves and their own invented realities by allowing them to interact with the work, contribute themselves as an instrumental of it and also reflect on themselves through the performance. I have an itch to talk about this mental condition and communicate it through art, to project the idea of NPD in both positive and negative areas. As we all know that we all fall somewhere along the narcissism kingdom and somehow we are both a narcissist and a victim at the same time. The project does not aim to labels or victimise anyone, but to engage all of us to the field of self-reflection and self-awareness.


the exhibition

'MASK // MIRROR // SHADOW’ aims to ironically communicate through the power of visualisation and perception of themselves. The installation consists of 6 three-dimensional contemporary works of various materials and medium. The viewers can experience as participation, relate to their experiences and posit themselves in an expanse that they not only observe but take part in.

Apart from the installation there is a theatrical performance inspired by the greek methodology, Narcissus. Guiding the audiences from the broken background of narcissists, to the transformation of self-esteem, then being overwhelmed by self absorption, the lack of empathy to themselves and to others, and finally the drowning into one’s own reflection that harm one’s self.

The main material I want to use is ‘ice’, as a modern interpretation of ‘water’ which is the core material in ‘Narcissus’ methodology. To add my idea into the original material, I use the logic behind the narcissistic way of thinking: the exaggerated desire to be loved, admired and to have the support of others. As water has been used as a self-reflector or mirror in ‘Narcissus’. The abstract and ironic logic behind ‘ice’ is to maintain that feeling of seeing oneself in the reflection forever as it is the endless reflection and absorption of oneself.

Therefore ‘ice’ has been use in this project as a main medium in the installation, performance and the making of sound. The sound we used in the performance had been recorded on the day from the ice on the stage along with other materials I use in the installation works. Purposely, we wanted to make it as live as possible in order to create a fresh energy and allow audiences to take part in the show as much as we can.

The performance aims to non-verbally define the terms of narcissism in multifaceted aspects and include the beauty and the beast of narcissistic traits. Even though, it does not indicate towards what is good and bad, as there is nothing as such but to create a safe space where we can equally explore ourselves and our complex minds. It purposely wants to seduce, embrace, stimulate and tickle the narcissist in all of us.

the installation

The installation consists of 6 three-dimensional contemporary works of various materials and medium. The viewers can experience as participation, relate to their experiences and posit themselves in an expanse that they not only observe but take part in.

Mirror Current
Material: River and wooden frame

Ironically mimic the shape of river's current from 'Narcissus' using reflective materials connected to another piece of work which is a bowl of ice referred as a source of the water (and reflection).


"Brunch with the girls 💕
Material: Glass, aluminium, lithium, platinum and tungsten.

Playing with the presentation of oneself on social media. No one knows what is behind the camera in reality. We all perceive the image of what is already planned to be seen. The pizza is pretty on the other side.


Special thanks to:

Martin Müller - Bo Liu - Nicolas Krewer - Cosmo Niklas Schüppel

Older Idea and Experiment
