How can I Transmit via Satellite?

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Send it via open space

Some thoughts and ideas on satellite transmission

art transponders

  • art and communication
  • radio - send & receive
  • satellite receive? send???


  • Receivers,, Transponders - technological basics
  • General

Sharing information via electro magnetic fields is a highly protected form of communication. Some of the frequencies can be received for several applications in everyday life e.g Radio(UHF), TV(UHF), Internet 2.4 Ghz. surveillance cameras 2.4 Ghz, GPS,... In a small number of frequencies transmission is allowed, like the 2.4 Ghz frequency used for WiFi internet. Most other Frequencies are forbidden for public use. Radio Amateurs or Ham Radio Amateurs have the right to use some after passing a quite complex test on technology and laws of radio communication. Unlike the untested public radio user Ham Radio Amateurs are allowed to send on the frequencies they are receiving. The Ham Radio community is a world wide network based on privat equipment reaching from very low level to highly advanced technology. Most of the Radio Amateurs search for signals comig from a far out place. The aim of transmission is as well to reach a far away receiver. For special events Radio Amateurs search in cars wih mobile systems for hidden transmitters. The Ham Radio communication structure is supported by several states in form of special activities e.g. satellite launches cause Radio Amateurs could act as a back up communication network in case of emergency or war. EXAMPLE??? DO RADIO AMATEURS SEND TO A SATELLITE???

Satellite communication

How can I send via Satellite

Buying Time on a Private Satellite

  • Where can I buy?-------What can I send-------How much does it cost
  • ------- sms, voice, data ------- a phone is about 2000 euro

  • links

[1] - send an sms via Iridium

Hacking the Signal

  • Transmitting to a Satellite


  • Hardware/Architecture


  • Sourcedata


  • Encoding


Launch Your own Satellite

  • CubeSats


  • How to Build a Satellite


  • Where can I Launch it


  • How much does lunching cost?
